As humans stuck on an orbiting planet, we're somewhat limited by our point of view. Looking up at the night sky, we can see our closest neighbour, the Moon, shining back at us, but have you ever wondered what we must look like from our satellite?
Planetary scientist James O'Donoghue has now held up a mirror for us all to see the truth.
Using real NASA imagery and positional data along with lunar topography imagery, the former NASA employee has created a computer-generated, high-resolution video of what Earth looks like from the Moon, while also showing us what the Moon looks like from Earth at the same time.
With every frame of the video representing 15 minutes of actual time, the final product encompasses the entire month of April 2020 (in CGI form, at least), and allows us a cosmic perspective the likes of which we've never seen before.
O'Donoghue further explained that while the video might look real, it was just based on some graphics he'd seen, and said his goal was to show the phases, rotations, angles, and size changes.
On Twitter, O'Donoghue also mentioned he'd been approached about writing a book, but admitted he'd been spending most of his free time simply making new animations.
When they look this amazing, we don't mind at all.