It's no secret that the entire science world - ourselves included - was freaking out on Thursday when physicists announced that they'd finally (finally!) detected gravitational waves. To be fair, you're probably sick of hearing about the ripples in spacetime by now, so we're going to spare you the back story on why the tiny "heartbeats of the Universe" are so important to science (you can read about it here if you're still interested).
But even if you're fatigued on the scientific euphoria, what you don't want to miss out on are the adorable and hilarious reactions from scientists around the world in the hours following the announcement. Because if there's one thing that's almost better than a history-making astrophysical announcement, it's seeing some of the smartest people on the Internet respond.
We've collected 9 of our favourite reactions from the Internet, in no particular order. Although, who are we kidding, Curiosity Rover is always going to be our favourite, closely followed by the new gravitational wave Twitter account. Enjoy, and remember that behind every great scientific advance are thousands of super talented people whose hard work just paid off. It's a good day for science!
9. All the physicists doing the gravitational wave chirp
That's how people are describing the noise that the gravitational wave signal made (this is what it actually sounded like), and naturally #chirpforLIGO became a thing.
We've just seen #gravitationalwaves and they kinda look like this @RiAus #showusyourwave
— Alan Duffy (@astroduff) February 11, 2016
8. That time Einstein dropped the mic on the physics world
"I hate to say I told you so, but…"
If Einstein were alive, he'd totally do a mic drop after today's #LIGO conference on #gravitationalwaves. #NSFLigo
— Albert Einstein (@AlbertEinstein) February 11, 2016
7. When Sarcastic Rover said what we were all thinking
6. When even Obama got into it
Einstein was right! Congrats to @NSF and @LIGO on detecting gravitational waves - a huge breakthrough in how we understand the universe.
— President Obama (@POTUS44) February 11, 2016
5. All the proud scientists giving us all the feels
You did it guys, you did it!!
.@LIGO scientists at #Caltech viewing get a well-deserved round of applause #gravitationalwaves #einsteinwasright
— Caltech (@Caltech) February 11, 2016
The #GravitationalWaves Research Group from @UniBirmingham celebrating because #EinsteinWasRight !
— UoB Observatory (@UoBobservatory) February 11, 2016
4. This tapestry
Gabriela Gonzales with the world's first gravitational wave tapestry #LIGO
— Maddie Stone (@themadstone) February 11, 2016
3. When someone broke the embargo with a cake
"This is actually the second time she's broken an embargo with a cake." I love this so much.
— Ed Yong is not here (@edyong209) February 12, 2016
2. When some people were just speechless
Quiet news day on the @BBCNews Channel.
— Jon Ironmonger (@JonIronmonger) February 11, 2016
1. And last, but definitely not least, that time that a gravitational wave got its own Twitter account!
Turns out, gravitational waves are witty as hell.
I am GW150914, the first gravitational wave detected on Earth by #LIGO on September 14, 2015. I was announced today! #gravitationalwaves
— GW150914 (@iamgw150914) February 11, 2016
Hello Twitter. I've literally touched all of your bodies. All of you.
— GW150914 (@iamgw150914) February 11, 2016
Astrophysicists detected me, and astrophysicists follow me on Twitter. I like these people
— GW150914 (@iamgw150914) February 11, 2016
Also, here's a bonus tweet for those of you still in need of an awesome Valentine's Day card. Don't say we never do anything for you!