It's easy to feel overwhelmed with climate news these days. Every week there's another story on deforestation, coral bleaching, heat records being smashed… and then smashed again a few months later.
Which is why sometimes it's good to pull back and reflect on the big picture. And no surprises here: in 2019, for the most part, that picture was bleak.
But for all the overwhelmingly bad news, there were also some really powerful and momentous moments of action and progress that are worth remembering.
Each week at ScienceAlert we wrap up the biggest science news story of the past seven days in an infographic shared across our social platforms - if you're not familiar with This Week in Science, you can check out the back catalogue here.
This weekly picture was our way of cutting through the noise and showing what science had achieved in just seven short days, in a format people could easily share with their friends.
When making our special end of year wrap-up version, we couldn't help but notice that the vast majority of the 'most important' and world-shifting announcements in 2019 were to do with climate science. We're not the first to remark this, but it really was a turning point for climate change - in both the positive and negative sense of the word.
To make sure these huge, literally world-changing stories don't get lost in the fake news and Twitter shouting matches of the past year, we created a special climate-themed This Year in Science.
Here are the climate stories we felt were the most note-worthy of the past 12 months:
Human-Caused Climate Change Reached 'Gold Standard'
Atmospheric CO2 Exceeded 415 ppm For The First Time in Human History
Millions of People Rose Up For The Global Climate Strike
More Than 11,000 Scientists Officially Declared a Global Climate Emergency
Scientist Warned Several Tipping Points That Could Unleash a Planetary Emergency Are Now Active
It's Official: We Just Had The Hottest Decade in Recorded History
Scientists and many others around the world are working hard to help us out of this mess and we'll be here to keep you updated on whatever 2020 has to bring. Happy new year, science fans.